Monday, December 5, 2016


We arrived at the hospital early for Seth’s scheduled MRI.  We went back to get prepped with the placement of an IV (I left the room for Steve to handle this) since he needed to be completely still during the test.  He did great during the test and with the anesthesia.   He slept for a while in the recovery room before waking up but he woke easily and wasn’t really upset and irritable like we had experienced with Sadie’s last eye surgery.  Dr. Kieran was hoping to meet us after the MRI in the recovery room but we received a call he wasn’t able to make it and would see us over at the clinic later that afternoon.  Seth had a bottle in recovery before we left to get some lunch and head over to the clinic.  His vitals were taken and we went back to an exam room. The fellow who works with Dr. Kieran came in with another doctor and told us that they did in fact find 3 tumors in his brain.  Dr. Kieran and a psychologist came into the room to discuss with us further.  He explained again that they had found what looks like 3 spots in the brain located in the ventricular system.  They believe from past research and the 4 cases they had mentioned in a previous visit that it is ATRT.   We asked all sorts of questions, is this curable, could Sadie be effected, how soon would treatment start, can he eat regularly, how will this affect him, etc?  Dr. Kieran took the time to answer all our questions and recommended that we start to move through the process of getting Seth prepared for treatment beginning with the placement of a central line, spinal tap, and bone marrow sample extraction.  Our hope is that the spinal tap will provide the information they need to make a definitive diagnosis.  If it does not then Seth will need to have a brain biopsy where a piece of the tumor will be removed for testing.
Dr. Kieran also talked to our pediatrician to give her and update and said that she deserves a lot of credit for having these markings looked into further.

Smiling after his MRI

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