Monday, March 6, 2017

Here We Go!

Sunday night I packed everything up for Seth to head into the hospital for round two of his chemotherapy.  We were out the door around 6am to make it in time for our appointment.  Unfortunately, Sadie was already awake which always makes leaving a little more difficult.  She doesn't fully understand what's going on but she knows now that when we leave we may not come back for a while when Seth is at the doctors.  She often says "I hope you come home soon Mama" etc. which breaks your heart.  But we are doing all of this so we can all be home soon together.

We arrived at the clinic before the doors were even open.  Got in right at 7:45am when the doors open and were quick to get our vitals done.  Not before a photo op with the adorable puppy hat my sister had made for Seth 😃

After vitals were done gave Seth some breakfast before him and Steve headed back for blood work.  He also needed his dressing changed so we and two nurses worked on keeping him somewhat still for that.

Then it was back to the waiting room to wait for the doctor to call us back.  It seemed to be taking forever.  I think it was close to 10am when we finally got called back.  Dr. Wright looked a little perplexed and asked us if Seth was sick.  He had been relatively happy over the weekend was doing much better and was getting less and less congested since getting home so we weren't sure why she was asking.  His white counts were up to 24 which normally means the body is trying to fight off some type of infection.  I immediately thought another set back, but she said it could be a result of the GCSF shot but would run a flu swab as a precaution.  Which meant exactly that, we would be on precautions once we got to the floor until that test came back.  She did say that as long as we were comfortable moving forward with treatment we would continue on.  The lumbar puncture for the intrathecal he has missed thus far would be scheduled for later in the week.

We were placed in an infusion room to wait for treatment to start. 

Seth fell asleep and had a nice long nap while we waited.  The nurse came over later and did the flu swab and told us he wouldn't be starting the chemo at the clinic because of the precautions needed and they were waiting for a room on 9N to be ready for us but it could be a little while.  Surprisingly not too much later she came by and said the room was ready and we could head over.  We were surprised when we arrived and they didn't take us into the usual single room area but were instead placed in a double room.  Now because he was on precautions we wouldn't have a roommate for at least 24 hours but if it came back negative that could change. 

Thankfully a single room also opened up where we are usually placed thanks to one of our favorite nurses Michelle discharging a patient and grabbing it for Seth!  We moved over there and then we waited, and waited, and waited some more. 

The nurse explained that the chemo was delayed and we probably wouldn't start until around 6pm and later said they are running behind and it would be around 8pm.  I was hoping to be there with Steve and Seth for the start of treatment and spend a few hours before heading home to be with Sadie but that plan wasn't going to work out.  I headed out around 7:30pm and I didn't hear from Steve that it started until 9pm.  At least we're under way for round 2!

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