Friday, June 2, 2017

Week 14 & 15

Seth wasn't scheduled to go into clinic during weeks 14 & 15 except for when he spiked a fever.  We had a good amount of time at home as a family which we always enjoy.

On Friday when leaving for work I just had a feeling it was going to be the day.  Sure enough Steve called saying he had spiked and we had to head into the clinic and would be admitted from there.  I left work, picked up the boys and we were on our way.  The clinic nurse was actually waiting for us.  We headed right back to an infusion room where vitals, labs, and cultures were taken as well as starting up antibiotics and fluids.  They tried to give Tylenol as well to help lower his fever but he unfortunately got sick immediately after and lost it all.  They checked his temp a little later and luckily it was down so he didn't need Tylenol again to make up for the lost dose. 
The 9th floor was aware we were on our way so things were already in place for admission.  About 2pm we headed over to Children's to get settled in our room. 
Friday was National Donut Day! The floor had plain donuts with lots of icing, sprinkles, and candy for decorating, donut shoppe hats, pinwheels and balloons.  Whenever they have fun things on the floor they always send us home with some for Sadie and she really enjoyed it. 

Friday and Saturday Seth had fevers off and on and his counts were low.  Sunday he started to look and feel better so Sadie and I went in for a visit. 
After all we can't miss the monthly photo shoot.  Seth doesn't love these photo shoots especially when not feeling 100% but he was a good sport.  How is he already 11 months old!?!?!?

Steve, Sadie, and my mother in law headed out for some fresh air, lunch and time out of the hospital which meant I got to snuggle with the little guy.
After lunch we all headed down to the playroom to get out of his room and have some fun. before Sadie and I left.

Seth was scheduled to have an MRI on the 14th but because he was inpatient they were trying to bump it up.  Scheduling was a little up in the air but he was finally scheduled for 2pm on Tuesday.  I wanted to be there with Steve for the MRI and results.  We hadn't had an MRI since March so we were anxious to see how or if things were progressing with his treatment.  Much to my surprise Steve texted me before I was even leaving for work saying a case didn't show up and Seth was being taken down first thing.  Total change in plans for the day!  I worked from home for a few hours and headed in soon after.  He was out well before I even got into the hospital but the doctors hadn't come around to discuss the results yet.  More snuggling with my little man while we waited :).
Dr. Wright came to the room in the early afternoon and said things looked awesome.  What a relief!  I really had a knot in my stomach the past few days leading up to getting these results just not knowing what the outcome would be.  We are so relieved to hear that the tumor in his eye is considered to be fully cleared, the one in the back of his head has also decreased significantly and possibly even completely and the large tumor in the right ventricular system had an AMAZING response so far.  Pictures are worth a thousand words and this one right here is worth so much more:
You can see his scan on the left from March and the one from today on the right.  Amazing!!! We are so happy with the results and that these tumors are responding well.  Dr. Wright was even surprised with how much progress was made. 
He still has one round of chemotherapy coming up before he completes the first 18 weeks of the induction period in his treatment plan.  After that the plan is stem cell transplant which will be very difficult and require an extended hospital stay. 
For now we are celebrating some good news and enjoying time at home until his labs show he is ready for his next round. 
Sadie was so excited to have Seth back home and kept saying "I missed him" while giving him hugs and kisses.


1 comment:

  1. What fantastic news for you all. I hope that the news continues to be great for Seth and that one day he wont need anymore hospital treatments.
